Featured song: "The Less I Know the Better" by Tame Impala

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Once one has completed their viewing of the 1999 film eXistenZ, it is easier to contextualize aspects of the film, beyond the anti-technology theme.

The films stance on technology is built upon the following ideas:
  • Technology and morality
    • Superseding religion
    • Endangering to reality
  • The bastardization and devaluing of reality
  • The bastardization of the body

The film opens and closes in a church, where the tech demonstrations are taking place, making game play like a communion. What this says that in both the reality of the game in tranCendenZ and the world outside of it, have created a spirituality in regards to gaming, but gaming is at odds with realism, and what's a religion without it's wars? From the beginning, biblical talk is used. "Death to the Allegra even the way Allegra talks about eXistenZ with Pikul is similar to gospel. Which alludes to the next topic. There's always been the idea that religion and morality are one and the same, while this isn't necessarily the case. It seems to be the viewpoint of the people who are playing the game tranCendenZ.

Throughout the film there's an association with technology and morality that is frequently voiced by Pikul. There's also the schism between the tech industry and those who support realism, who pursue Allegra with teeth-shooting guns, further emphasizing the realists beliefs in organic life and the importance of reality.

Additionally, Allegra, as I've said before, speaks about video games like gospel, but she also seems to be on drugs, which brings me to my next point. Technology is a drug. This is a more obvious theme. Allegra has this spiritual connection to eXistenZ, and goes along with the idea that realism is synonymous with morality, but we see Allegra and Pikul sprawled out on a bed after awaking from eXistenZ, like someone waking up from a heroin binge.

From there come the suggestions that the game is a from of psychosis, voiced by Pikul.

When one considers that this is all a game created by the thoughts of those playing it, the viewer can realize that this is what the players feel about technology, and the idea that games can become something that feed off the body and look to be animals, you see that is what Pikul and Allegra fear. As for technology becoming religion, well, the church at the end of the film was real, wasn't it?

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